A Capitalist Glossary

A – C | D – I | J – O | P – R | S – Y

capitalism - a scam masquerading as an economic system that moves to appropriate all wealth and power to a small clique

A – C

advertising, marketing, public relations - propaganda

advertising industry - a sector of the economy that produces absolutely nothing but manufactured desires

adware, spyware - terms that used to refer to malware that displayed ads or tracked user activity but were dropped with the invention of the smartphone, when such malware became the business model of the software industry

alcohol, tobacco - drugs society pretends aren't as bad as or worse than the illegal ones because the former are culturally entrenched and immense sources of profit

alpha male - someone who identifies as an ape, who can't stand to live with himself unless he's dominating others

anarchism - good when business replaces the government, bad when the people do

animal - okay to torture and kill by the millions except when kept as pets because that's the way it is, and there's a lot of money to be made doing so

austerity - charging the poor for the corruption of the rich to avoid charging the rich

authority - the supposed right to wield power over others, justified by power itself

bail - a corrupt practice in which people with access to the funds have the option to buy their way out of jail while the poor languish there waiting for a "speedy" trial (see also no-bail release)

bailout, grant, subsidy - welfare for the rich; politicians falling over themselves to bribe corporations; a way for the rich to appropriate public money to have things produced to sell back to the public

bank failure - bankers stealing their depositors' money with absolutely no meaningful personal consequences

banking, insurance - making money by moving other people's money around in somewhat clever ways

bankruptcy - robbery of one's creditors when the poor do it, a strategic business decision when the rich do it

beauty industry - a racket that manipulates women into buying pointless products by making them feel ugly

"being cynical/negative" - facing the world honestly

"being practical" - using any perceived flaws in an alternative to capitalism to discredit the proposal, though capitalism's many actual flaws don't discredit capitalism (see also to "live in the real world")

"Better dead than red." - to call for mass murder-suicide rather than yield power; to save country by destroying it

big government - the government interfering in citizens' personal lives or in the marketplace, except for corporate bailouts and subsidies, the military-industrial complex, massive military spending, censorship, police brutality, mass incarceration, mass surveillance, warrantless searches and wiretaps, expansion of executive power, conscription, busting labor unions, anti-gay/trans laws, sex education restrictions, criminalization of prostitution, abortion restrictions, drug prohibitions, age restrictions on media purchases, school prayer, school vouchers, and state-sanctioned religious displays; the government stepping outside its purview by helping someone besides the rich; having the government provide healthcare is anathema, but letting it have the power to execute people is fine

billionaire - someone who managed to elevate greed to a severe psychiatric disorder

Black Friday - a dark day of national shame, concocted by the advertising industry and observed yearly, where people humiliate themselves by camping outside stores and stepping on each other to buy the garbage they worship because it is less overpriced than usual

burden of proof - always falls on whomever has the least power

businessman, innovator, job creator, entrepreneur - sounds more modern than saying capitalist, more respectable than saying thief

campaign contribution - bribe

to cancel - to turn people you disagree with into permanent enemies of your cause by using mob justice to self-righteously destroy their lives rather than trying to change their minds

cancel culture - when McCarthyist tactics are used against the right

celebrity - a person randomly selected by mainstream attention, elevated to superhuman status, and rewarded with immense wealth for engaging in activities critically important for human life, such as having pictures taken, playing games, telling jokes, singing, or acting, as opposed to those who make trivial contributions, like firefighters, paramedics, aid workers, farmers, and construction workers

childhood poverty - shows the sincerity of the "pro-life"

China - a country Western capitalists deride as a communist tyranny while they treasonously build it up by selling out their own countries' interests to it for profit (see also patriotism)

Christmas - originally an observance of the birthday of Jesus Christ, hijacked by capitalists and transformed into a consumerist orgy, despite Jesus' admonition to "sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

circumcision - the mass mutilation and sexual assault of healthy, anatomically normal infants, justified by cultural inertia, superstition, and the hubris of the medical profession, which cannot reproduce even one cell of the human body and yet somehow knows better than four billion years of evolution (see also healthcare industry)

class - pretending people are different based on how much money they happen to have

class warfare - the rich elites versus the people; a term appropriated by capitalists to make any discontent look like violence and bigotry as they wage an overwhelming assault against the public

clergy - a group whose authority derives from the self-refuting notions that the truth can be settled by a decree, that God would involve himself in something as filthy as human hierarchy, or that he would reveal himself only to a select few among the people he created; commits sacrilege by using the divine to justify its money-grubbing and power-seeking, while the clerics who defy such behavior tend to get marginalized, defrocked, or killed

climate change, global warming - a close second to nuclear weapons in humanity's race to destroy itself for nothing (see also deterrence, mutually-assured destruction, fossil fuels, and liberal hoax)

climate denier - a propaganda term constructed to make incredulity toward global warming seem even more unsavory; someone who believes that yearly multi-million to multi-billion ton releases of greenhouse gases for 200 years could not possibly affect the atmosphere (see also climate change, global warming)

coercion - any limit placed on the wealthy, though limits placed on the poor are examples of freedom

colleges, universities - rackets that sell grossly overpriced opportunities for debauchery and a status symbol known as a diploma under the guise of education

commercial endorsement - selling one's reputation to the highest bidder

communism, idealism, Marxism, socialism, utopia - terms used to deride and shut down any criticism of capitalism to avoid having to produce an actual argument

communist, Marxist, socialist, subversive, woke - anything the capitalists don't like

communist/socialist state - the pinnacle of capitalism in which the whole economy is under one gigantic monopoly: the state

competency - a judgment about someone else's values and thought processes based on a bias toward mainstream opinion (see also involuntary commitment)

competition - destroying others to make more money

conformity - a way to commit suicide in which one's body stays alive; a way to diffuse the beauty of the countless expressions of being human, a way to blot all the color out of life; the closest thing to true sin in the physical world

Congress - a criminal gang based in Washington, D.C. that claims to represent the American people

conscription - a form of slavery that generally forces the young to die for the corrupt interests of the old

conservative pundit - makes George Soros into a demonic force for using his money to influence politics, but somehow the Koch brothers are angels

conservatism - a hard-line approach to maintaining capitalism (see also liberalism)

conspiracy theory - a slur referring to anything that goes against the capitalist narrative; the elites blaming the public for not believing anything they say after decades of incompetence, lies, and corruption

the Constitution of the United States - a document held as the sacred, unassailable legal framework of the country even though it was drafted in secret and ratified without a public vote; at the same time, it contains many positive and revolutionary ideas, but these are just reinterpreted by the Supreme Court to mean whatever is convenient at the time (see also originalism)

consumerism, fashion - exploiting human psychology so that people will endlessly, pointlessly consume, thus allowing this pyramid scheme of an economy to keep running

contract, terms and conditions - puts all the power in the hands of the capitalist while pretending the customer has freedom of choice

copy protection/digital rights management, lockout chips, non-fungible tokens, paywalls, product keys, region locking - imposing scarcity in the digital realm in order to cripple the revolutionary power of information technology and thus preserve analog means of gaining profit (see also innovation)

copyright, intellectual property, patents, trademarks - pretending ideas are the same as property so as to allow them to be monopolized

corporal punishment, spanking - part of an approach to child-rearing that assumes more brutal means more effective, a view that's demented but not surprising considering the neanderthal ethic of society; a good way to create serial killers

corporate/crony capitalism - a way to explain away undeniable, unmistakable capitalist corruption by claiming it's a corruption of capitalism

corporate/employer negligence - assault and murder to cut costs and increase profit

corporate executive - a psychopath in business

corporation - a capitalist enterprise fictitiously given the same status as a living human being, except that it isn't subject to meaningful punishment for its crimes

corporatocracy - letting the lunatics run the asylum

counterfeiting - anyone except the government printing money that has no value

credit reporting - a universal non-consensual tracking system designed to ensure more or less all power goes to the creditor and none to the borrower

criminal justice system - based on the idea that crime should be punished instead of prevented, that social ills can be reduced through pain rather than love

culture war - a way to wind up the population so it doesn't pay attention to its real problems

D – I

dangerous idea - anticapitalist idea

debt - for the general population, a massive burden that helps keep people bound to an employer; for capitalists, an asset to buy and sell for profit

defense - generally the use of violence to force countries that resist capitalist hegemony back into line; a cover for building an empire

Democrat - see Republican

democratic government - an instrument to support business arranged in a way that makes it seem the people are in control in order to keep them from rebelling; a way to hide a plutocracy

democratic socialism - capitalism with free or low-cost healthcare and education

Department of Labor - even if the fear of being fired didn't deter workers from filing complaints, this agency is still an organ of the capitalist state, merely providing the illusion of labor rights for the most part

depression - a severe recession, though the term isn't used anymore because it doesn't sound nice

deregulation - transferring power from the government to private corporations and then spinning it as an enhancement of everyone's freedom, control, or choice when, in reality, the only change is which mask the elites are wearing as they carry out their machinations (see also privatization, public-private partnership)

deterrence, mutually-assured destruction - living under the constant, hair-trigger threat of worldwide mass murder and terminal destruction as a way to prevent any challenge to the current order, which is presented as peace attained through a rational geopolitical theory; arguably makes all human endeavor pointless and irrelevant as everything can be obliterated at any time in a matter of minutes

Director of Diversity/Equity/Inclusion - commissar

diversity - using the acceptance of superficial differences among people to hide ongoing oppression; tolerating differences except of personality and opinion; encouraging the mixing of different people except with respect to class

drugs - a useful way to keep people down, a useful excuse to lock them up (see also alcohol, tobacco)

dystopia - keep reading

"E pluribus unum" - The original national motto of the United States (Latin for "From many, one"), which described the country fairly accurately (from many states and many peoples, one nation) but was replaced during the Cold War with "In God We Trust," despite the country's origin as a secular republic, to whip everyone up against "godless communism"

economic cycle, the invisible hand, price signaling, supply and demand - terms that make the crazy, erratic nature of capitalism sound logical, scientific, and inescapable

economic growth - the endless economic expansion needed to keep capitalism running, which is considered positive despite the inescapable limit of finite natural resources

economics - a propaganda effort masquerading as a science to make people think the insanity it upholds is rational

education - a way to brainwash the public into thinking the concepts of capitalism are actually legitimate

efficiency, innovation - finding new and better ways to profit while pretending the goal is actually to improve life

elections - shams (see also democratic government)

elites, ruling class - the small group that happens to rule the world at a given moment of history, currently consisting mainly of capitalists

employee, laborer, worker - modern terms for "peasant" and "slave;" a prostitute who doesn't provide sexual services, notwithstanding workplace sexual harassment (see also employer-employee relationship)

employer-employee relationship - a form of slavery that pretends the slaves are free; a way to use the fear of destitution to steal someone's time and labor

employment contract - employees must obey it to the letter, but employers can mostly disregard it

the end of history - spinning the miserable failure of capitalism into a success

endowment - a hoard of wealth maintained by alleged non-profit organizations

the environment - a supposedly limitless dumping ground

experts, professionals - people who you should be able to believe but can't because they only want your money

extremist - someone who fully opposes the failed system capitalism; attempt to paint anyone who opposes capitalism as a crazy fanatic

externalities - the costs and ill-effects capitalist enterprises export to society, meaning that many are not actually profitable but just accrue great wealth to their owners at society's expense

faith - don't try to change your miserable station in life because God will even everything out when you're dead

far-left, leftist, radical - any idea that challenges capitalism

fascism - a desperate, brutal, final measure capitalists employ to redirect a popular uprising in a way that preserves their wealth

financial pages - pornography for capitalists

fossil fuels - fuels whose continued widespread use amounts to suicide as they will inevitably become too scarce to sustain civilization, while the damage they're causing to the atmosphere might make it untenable all the same; a mode of energy production that so obviously should be curtailed and yet there's no serious move to do so because the capitalists are making too much money from their own self-destruction (see also climate change, global warming)

free enterprise - a system that in theory allows anyone to become a capitalist, in order to prevent the scam of capitalism from becoming so obvious that it collapses, while in practice rigging everything to make becoming a capitalist almost impossible for most people; using the theoretical possibility of starting one's own business as justification for wage slavery even though, in reality, billions of people are in wage slavery

the free market - a market that is free for those who have the most money; refers to a command economy controlled by private capitalists instead of the state

freedom - the right of the rich to profit and of the poor to toil

freedom fighters - terrorists the elites like

freedom of speech - suppressing speech by threatening people's livelihoods rather than by brute force; the right of corporations to spend indefinitely buying elections

fur - unless you're living in an ice age, wearing the skin of dead animals is obscene

gambling - pointless games designed to be addicting to keep people playing even though everything has been rigged for them to lose, the point being for the operators to take all their money (see also investing, finance, speculation, the same game rigged the other way around)

gangster - any organized criminal besides capitalists, politicians, and other government officials

gated community - a place for the rich to hide as society disintegrates

gig economy - when businesses pretend their employees are actually self-employed in order to more thoroughly dodge labor laws

globalization - a term for imperialism that sounds more benign

government - an institution whose oppression is constantly highlighted in order to distract from the oppression perpetrated by private institutions like corporations; something to use and uphold when its power makes the rich richer and more powerful and to attack and disparage when it addresses any other concern (see also nanny state, welfare state)

green - a trendy way to describe a supposed awareness of environmental concerns; a buzz word corporations use in their marketing to pretend they're not destroying the world

guidance counselor - narrows the aspirations of high school students and pushes them down the path of wage slavery

gun - a machine designed to rapidly kill people by blasting pieces of metal into their bodies and yet is considered morally neutral due to the power of the gun lobby (see also the second amendment)

handout - negative when received by the poor (see welfare), positive when received by the rich (see bailout, grant, subsidy)

having children - creating slaves and cannon fodder for the ruling class

healthcare industry - a sector of the economy that extorts massive sums of money from the sick, injured, dying, and desperate in exchange for questionable medical care

health insurance - a fraudulent, overcomplicated way to fund healthcare that deliberately obscures terms and pricing, reduces access to care, spuriously withholds treatment, and results in outrageous expenses for patients while producing outrageous profits for capitalists (see also insurance)

hierarchy - arbitrarily ranking the members of a social structure based on perceived power

high society - the totality of the values and mannerisms of the elites, presented as the height of style and virtue but in fact is more accurately represented by the life of Jeffrey Epstein.

homeless veterans - shows the sincerity behind "support our troops"

homelessness - a national disgrace

homeschooling - a reasonable option considering how corrupt the school system is, yet it is utilized almost exclusively by religious fanatics who wish to indoctrinate their children into a psychotic worldview

homophobia, racism, sexism, transphobia - ways to divide people who would otherwise realize their common plight and direct their outrage where it belongs

human life, nature - the basic commodities to be exploited for profit

human resources - chattel (see also human life)

"If any man shall not work, neither let him eat" - transparent propaganda to brutalize the poor because no one tries to stop jet-setting, pool-side lounging rich people from eating

"If you can't do the time, don't do the crime." - every abuse inflicted by the criminal justice system is always the fault of the accused

illegal immigration - a type of lawbreaking that is fashionable for liberals to abet because it makes them look less racist; a conundrum particularly for conservatives because stopping it would cut off an abundant source of vulnerable cheap labor, and yet they built much of their platform on strict law enforcement and xenophobia

"In God We Trust" - a more honest phrase to print on the money would be "We Trust in This" or "This is Our God"

industrial relations - capital is fictional, labor is real

the Industrial Revolution - a massive leap in wealth and technology carried out through the toil of factory workers, scientists, engineers, and countless others but that the capitalists take credit for, though they do at least deserve credit for pushing it in a direction that may be the death of us all through ecological collapse, resource depletion, and advanced weaponry

initiative - for workers, the idea that putting them under constant threat will make them work harder, but really that abuse just encourages them to work as little as they can to still get paid; for capitalists, the idea that removing all obligations from them will make them invest more, but really that farce just enables them to take more

inflation - many capitalists jacking up prices at the same time, as opposed to the invisible hand descending from the clouds with a pricing gun.

inheritance - gaining wealth for doing nothing except being born into the right family, despite capitalism's exhortations for wealth to be earned through "hard work" and "initiative"

intelligence quotient (IQ) - a measurement of how well one takes an IQ test at a given time, presented as a general measurement of intelligence, despite that concept being unfathomably complex and varied

intelligent design - a more scientific-sounding name for creationism devised to help sneak religion into public schools (see also separation of church and state)

interest - making money for doing nothing (see also banking, insurance and investing, finance, speculation)

internet of things - a way to sneak total corporate surveillance into people's homes; a way to turn goods that were always bought outright into a subscription service by needlessly making them dependent on remote servers; an implementation of planned obsolescence that would even scandalize Edward Bernays; transformed the electronics industry into the e-waste industry (see also smart devices)

investing, finance, speculation - using control of money to leech off people who do actual work

involuntary commitment - a way to imprison someone who has committed no crime

J – O

job - a period of enslavement

job hunting - a humiliating ritual that entails advertising yourself like a piece of meat (i.e. "selling yourself"), licking the boots of recruiters (i.e. "going on interviews"), and presenting a facade of yourself to them (i.e. "putting your best foot forward") that is spun as evidence of your freedom because it allows you a nominal choice of master (see also prostitution and pre-employment drug screening)

journalist, spokesman - propagandist

justice, law - mechanisms primarily for ensuring the position of the wealthy and powerful is maintained

lack of "moral equivalency" - it's moral to commit atrocities in retaliation for someone else's atrocities, which is easy to say as long as the retaliation isn't falling on your head

laissez-faire - the economic system described in the novels of Charles Dickens

"land of the free" - if you have to keep saying it, it's not

law school - provides a comprehensive education in all matters pertaining to the law except for justice; a highly effective means to gain wealth and status (see also colleges, universities)

lawyers, lobbyists - mercenaries to use in legal and political battles whom the poor are priced out of employing

leader - someone allowed to unilaterally make decisions on behalf of other people, such that the leader's mistakes or malice may generate a catastrophe potentially for millions (see also hierarchy)

leader of the free world - if you have a leader, you're not free because you're subject to the leader's decisions

"Let the market decide." - let the capitalists decide; leave the resolution of imminent, dire problems up to a nebulous, arbitrary process

liberal - historically, a term that referred to someone who supported individual liberty, now rendered pathetic by the extent liberals have sold out to capitalism, and so the term has thus been appropriated by conservatives as a slur

liberal hoax - a phrase coined to tar the acknowledgment of serious global problems as a conspiracy, incidentally as part of capitalist conspiracies to keep causing those problems for profit

liberalism - approach to maintaining capitalism that makes a pretense about softening some of its blows (see also conservatism)

libertarianism - a philosophy extorting the supremacy of the rich under the guise of furthering liberty; a philosophy that claims to uphold the individual while debasing all individuals except the wealthy few

"Life is what you make it." - everything bad that happens to you is always your own fault

"Life's not fair." - all wrongs are justified, except, of course, the ones the powerless commit

to "live in the real world" - the delusion that capitalism is natural rather than artificially created, that it results from human nature rather than distorting it, and that the existence of even worse systems proves capitalism is good; a defeatist attitude that resigns people to accepting constant struggle and exploitation (see also "being practical")

lottery - a form of gambling that pretends not to be gambling; the government encouraging a destructive vice to squeeze more money out of the population; randomly giving away large sums of money to one out of millions of players in order to tantalize and distract the public, even though great wealth is absolutely always the result of merit alone and can never, ever have anything to do with luck (see also gambling)

loyalty card - a trojan horse deployed by retailers to harvest personal information from shoppers in exchange for trivial discounts

the mainstream media - a collection of propaganda outlets that serve disinformation cloaked as unbiased facts

manager - representative of the capitalists among the workers who does no work, unless one counts telling the workers what to do; a more polite way of saying overseer

manosphere - an umbrella term for on-line communities that encourage young men to be more like apes, that twist tradition and masculinity to shill for hierarchy and authority; a racket that sells dubious self-help courses

market-based solution - capitalists making money by pretending to solve a problem

mass murder - mass shooters and serial killers who kill a handful of people are reviled, but businessmen who kill countless more through poisoning the environment, inflicting poverty, and disregarding safety or politicians who preside over executions, start wars, and sit poised to exterminate everyone with nuclear weapons should be highly respected

mass shootings - the random slaughter of innocent people to which "leaders" respond only with platitudes; an unmistakable sign of the continuing collapse of society; provides cheap fodder for the media to sensationalize, a practice they continue despite it encouraging more mass shootings; every single one of them is actually a false flag operation, and anyone who says otherwise is a stooge for the New World Order, though the false-flag proponents aren't stooges for the gun industry

mass transit - transportation for peasants; a socialist, communist, Marxist, state take-over of transportation, as opposed to the much more expansive, government-run, publicly-funded infrastructure that cars depend on, including bridges, tunnels, viaducts, interstates, and municipal parking lots and garages; an approach to transportation that is constantly undercut and then derided as inferior to cars

maternity leave, sick leave, vacation time - capitalists are loathe to allow these not only because it would mean marginally less profit but more importantly because such constitutes an admission that workers are more than so much machinery; concepts capitalists have to tolerate at least to a very limited extent until they finally manage to replace all workers with actual machines

mental illness - generally either harmful patterns of thought and behavior brought about by living in a pathological society or the failure to align one's thought processes and behaviors with pathological social expectations

meritocracy - substituting money, marketing, and brutality for merit

metaverse - an attempt to put the plot of The Matrix into practice

middle class - what the majority of Americans think they are when actually they're poor/working class, since poor doesn't sound nice and working class sounds too much like communism; a way to pretend class doesn't exist so people don't notice the main way they're being oppressed

military-industrial complex - a synergy between the government, military, and business that results in warmongering to create a market for war materiel and the resources to rebuild in the aftermath of war, as well as providing the means to conquer new markets by force

military intervention, peacekeeping, police action - war

minimum wage - apparently a communist plot to steal the capitalists' hard-earned money by mandating they pay at least starvation wages to those actually generating the money

minority-owned business, woman-owned business - instead of having a white man's boot on your throat, you get to have a minority-owned high heel on your throat

misinformation - an excuse to suppress facts or opinions the mainstream doesn't have a good answer for

monarchy - a system where power is based on being born into a particular family, justified by the transparently fabricated, long-discredited notions that there's something special about "royal blood" and that God signs off on the whole thing under the heading of "divine right"; a system ostensibly overthrown by capitalism, which actually just swapped money for heredity as the basis of power and transposed aristocratic values into celebrity culture

money - worthless pieces of paper or metal, ledger entries, or figures in a computer that are imagined to have value and thus used to control access to resources; widely acknowledged to be "the root of all evil" and yet is almost completely unchallenged

monopoly - the natural end result of competition, leaving the monopolist with unopposed control over the "free" market

multinational corporation - modern empire

nanny state, welfare state - a way to vilify the government in the rare occasions it actually does something that opposes the excesses of capitalism and helps people

nation-state - the primary vehicle of murder and violence in the world whose main function is to uphold capitalist hegemony

neoliberalism - replaces the tyranny of government with the tyranny of corporations

net neutrality - the tech industry launching a power grab against the telecommunications industry for its own gain and then claiming to be a champion of the people

no-bail release - opposed on the grounds that it "lets criminals walk the streets," despite the concept of "innocent until proven guilty," though letting criminals pay money to walk the streets is okay (see also bail)

normal - going along with what you're told

North Korea - a country where things are so awful the capitalists can't stop talking about it because it makes them look good by comparison

nuclear testing - poisoning the world forever; the permanent destruction of swaths of the homeland is somehow patriotic

nursing home - an institution that quickly robs the elderly of their life savings and quality of life in exchange for miserable, often involuntary "care"

Objectivism - a philosophy that longs for a social order already in place and champions values that already dominate

oligarch - Eastern European capitalist

one-sided - failing to give the truth and lies equal weight

originalism - an American school of legal thought that ostensibly argues our lives should be governed by what some perceive to have been the intentions of the 18th century ruling class, though in practice used to justify distorting the U.S. Constitution in a way that supports the abuses of the current ruling class

outsourcing - exporting labor to where it can be abused and exploited more easily and completely with no regard for damage caused to the home country, yet praised in capitalist circles for increasing profits and raising destitute foreigners to a new level of squalor (see also China)

ownership - allows the rich to control resources as opposed to the people who actually produce them or who actually need them

ownership of land and natural resources - a way for someone to claim monopoly control over something he had nothing to do with creating and that has just existed as part of nature from time immemorial

P – R

paranoia - recognizing that all enterprises in a capitalist economy exist to generate a profit and that the goods and services they provide are only a means to that end

parental rights - supposes child abuse is a matter of personal choice

paternalism - the elites know what's best for you, so just go along with whatever they want

patriotism - the belief that opposition to capitalism destroying the country is somehow disloyalty; a way to enforce conformity among the population

personhood - a limited, tenuous right of autonomy bestowed in stages starting at the arbitrary age of 18 and then snatched away again during old age

pharmaceutical industry - a sector of the economy that frequently takes public funding to develop often dangerous medications to sell back to the public for extortionate fees while working to suppress any safer or more widely-available alternatives

philanthropy - a tax dodge, public-relations campaign, and means of influencing government and charitable organizations as it is the all-knowing rich who should decide how to treat social problems rather than the public as a whole

piercing, tattooing - socially-acceptable self harm that people often use to distract themselves from miserable social conditions, and perhaps, on a subconscious level, to signal to the world that they have given up on society (see also plastic surgery)

planned obsolescence - rigging products to break down shortly after the warranty expires or to otherwise lose their usefulness or value prematurely in order to sell more, even though the result is an obscene amount of wasted resources that could have been used to bring about widespread abundance

plastic surgery - largely the mutilation of the insecure and neurotic for lavish profits under the guise of healthcare

police - officials who embody the spectrum of human moral capacity by sometimes performing bravely and heroically but other times acting as cowardly thugs for state power

political correctness - a form of censorship that tries to force people to speak in roundabout ways to help sell the charade that society isn't bigoted anymore; a rhetorical tactic employed by corporations to paper over their sleaze

politician - flunky (see also democratic government and republic)

poll - tool for determining how best to manipulate the public into voting a certain way

pollution - humans trashing their own habitat; destroying irreplaceable resources for profit in the moment; waging war on nature—of which humans are a part and whose beauty is one of the most critical sources of human enrichment—even though it is impossible to win

popularity - being an effective conformist

poverty - capitalism's murderous, willful failure to allow a decent living for all people because abundance would mean fewer opportunities to profit

poverty line - equal to perhaps a quarter of the income one would need to avoid poverty

pre-employment drug screening - job candidates giving up samples of urine as part of a demeaning process whereby an employer digs into their personal lives to see if such precludes them from menial, low-paid labor, though there's no need to verify whether presidential candidates, for instance, who may take command of thousands of nuclear weapons, are on drugs.

prescription - a scam to justify grossly overcharging for medications, to generate more fees, and to take more control of people's lives by restricting access to a whole class of essential goods. This is carried out under the pretense of safety and abuse prevention, even though much more dangerous goods have fewer or no restrictions (i.e. cars, power tools, weapons, tobacco, alcohol, etc.), millions of people have still become addicted to prescribed drugs, and the many dangerous side-effects and long-term consequences still exist whether there are prescriptions or not

president - what you call the king when you're pretending to have a democracy (see also politician and republic)

prison - a place used primarily to torture and dispose of racial minorities, the poor, the mentally ill, and drug addicts as opposed to true criminals like capitalists and politicians; a place that nourishes the worst in humanity while presenting itself as the remedy for the same; a glowing opportunity to turn human misery into astronomical profits

private company, private organization - has the power to overturn most human rights within its purview on the basis of the imaginary concept of ownership

privatization, public-private partnership - handing public property over to a corporation to serve back to the public for profit under the pretense of efficiency

pro-choice - a propaganda term that tries to paint the "pro-life" as anti-choice; reduces the morally complex issue of abortion to a matter of personal choice alone; pretends human biology is a conspiracy against women

pro-life - a propaganda term that tries to paint the "pro-choice" as pro-death; describes people who tend to support the death penalty, corporate power, military expansion, and war while opposing universal healthcare, birth control, paid maternity leave, and environmental protection (see also childhood poverty)

profit - wealth that is stolen by overcharging customers and underpaying employees

productivity - draconian measures employed against workers to get more out of them without increasing compensation

property crimes - modes of business capitalism does not approve of

prosperity - the availability of many different types and brands of products as a stand-in for freedom

prostitution - reducing the human body to a commodity (see also employee, laborer, worker)

"Pull yourself up by the bootstraps." - there can never possibly be a systemic cause for poverty

pursuit of happiness - statement of freedom that has been perverted to mean pursuit of profit, through which the capitalists may impose themselves on others, reduce quality of life everywhere they go, and destroy the happiness of society

rational self-interest - to act as though making money is the whole point of life

receivership - often a pretense for stealing the savings and assets of the elderly and disabled while destroying their autonomy

recession - a period when the economy goes into convulsions, causing poverty and misery, for no reason except capitalist contrivance (see also depression)

recycling - in theory, reducing waste by reprocessing discarded items to make new ones; in practice, a way to pretend not to be wasteful

Red Scare - an excuse to crack down on the workers

regulation - attempts by the government to make capitalism workable that the rich blame for the problems they in fact create

rent - paying off someone else's mortgage

reproductive healthcare - sounds nicer than saying abortion (see also healthcare industry)

republic - a system of government that pretends to be democracy but where citizens are only allowed to pick their oppressors among pre-approved members of the ruling class

Republican - an American political party dedicated to upholding the will of the capitalists against that of the public

retailer, wholesaler - produces nothing but just buys things from one place and then sells them somewhere else at a markup; mainstream scalping

retirement - waiting to die after a life wasted in slavery

revolution - overthrowing a tyranny to make way for a new one

right to repair - despite capitalism claiming property rights as a fundamental value, the owners of cars, computers, farm equipment, and other goods have to fight corporations for control of what they bought and paid for

right-to-work law - no-right-to-work law

rights - when applied to the general population, a series of platitudes and pretenses to make it think its human dignity is being respected but that in practice can be reinterpreted and disregarded at will; when applied to capitalists, the irrevocable ability to generate profit above all else, by all means, and at all costs

Russian disinformation - discrediting anything contrary to the mainstream narrative by connecting it with a scary foreign power

S – Y

safe space - a delusional fad that one is entitled never to feel uncomfortable as an excuse to shut up those who hold contrary opinions and that not looking at the ugliness of the world will make it go away rather than helping to perpetuate it

safety, security - excuses to destroy privacy and liberty

the Second Amendment - used to justify universal gun ownership except for the mentally ill, despite not mentioning guns or the mentally ill, and despite its call for "a well regulated Militia;" claimed as means of preventing tyranny despite one already having been established and the impossibility of resisting the U.S. government by force

sanctity of life - declares all embryonic human life to be sacred but any impoverished human life beyond that disposable (see also pro-life)

school - child abuse

self-reliance - having the money to buy things, as opposed to growing one's own food and making one's own goods, collecting and refining all necessary raw materials, and producing all the tools to do so

selflessness - human goodness managing to break through the depravity of the world

separation of church and state - an obviously good idea for all concerned as it keeps the government from meddling in people's personal beliefs and one religious group from using state power to impose itself on another; nevertheless, it's spun as an assault on religion because that increases the hostility and polarization that keep everyone distracted

side hustle - frantically trying to find a way to survive

slum - a community from which capitalists decide to withdraw or withhold enterprise when they suspect it will be more profitable to locate elsewhere, despite the decimation left behind

smart devices - shows that George Orwell was too optimistic (see also adware, spyware)

social climbers - people who have been tricked into believing class actually means something and who have tragically dedicated their lives to it

social experiment - a term used to make any proposal contrary to capitalist dogma look like a sinister plot, despite the fact that capitalism is the biggest social experiment in history

social media - computer systems that serve to distract people and waste their time so they don't use it more effectively, to get them used to having no privacy, to gather information about them for more effective advertising and other nefarious purposes, to provide a way for the state to access user data without a warrant, to monopolize people's communications and access to information, to manipulate their thinking, to provide powerful mechanisms for censorship, to increase hostility and polarization, and to divide and isolate everyone through a simulacrum of being social; the highest realization of the saying "If you're not paying for the product, you are the product"

space exploration - a way to cloak missile development as a lofty and peaceful endeavor; a research project to give the rich a place to escape to after they destroy human civilization on Earth; the chauvinistic belief that humans are fit to export to the universe when they haven't even found a way to live decently on their home planet

student loans - a con that sells the young a diploma for exorbitant fees based on the false claim that it will be a productive investment in order to permanently trap them in indentured servitude

socialized medicine - better to die of a treatable disease or go bankrupt trying to live because this phrase contains a scary word (see also healthcare industry)

standardized tests - training to pass them so that the schools can get funding and the teachers can keep their jobs is what passes for academic achievement

suburb - an uneconomical, ugly, and unhealthy mode of human habitation whose massive energy demands and inefficient land use are extremely profitable for the fossil fuel and auto industries

success - for workers, consistently earning enough money through enslavement to survive; for capitalists, to attain much more wealth than they could ever possibly use

suit - a uniform that epitomizes capitalist conformity and oppression (see also tie)

"support our troops" - propaganda term to compel everyone to line up behind the elites' criminal wars by pretending that failing to support them is the same as failing to support the people who have to put their lives on the line, though real support would entail not putting them in danger for corrupt reasons in the first place (see also homeless veterans)

sustainability - living in a way that can continue indefinitely because it takes into account the finite nature of the earth's resources; a fantastically obvious consideration for human life that is smeared as a conspiracy to destroy freedom because it threatens the mass consumption that drives capitalist profits

sweatshop - the way capitalists run a factory when uninhibited by regulation

taxation - the government funding itself by using force to steal money from the population while mostly exempting the money the rich steal from the same treatment

teacher - brainwashing technician

terrorism - criminal acts of violence to which the state responds with its own violence, killing many more people than terrorism does; a source of fear for the state to exploit to justify military spending that far exceeds resources devoted to other issues that cause much more destruction than terrorism

theft - stealing outside the rules of capitalism

tie - for some reason, a strip of fabric around a male's neck means "formal" (see also suit)

traitor - a term often distorted to mean anyone who blows the whistle on the treason of the government or who points out problems as opposed to those who create them; describes people reviled in their own countries but honored in rival countries (see also patriotism)

trickle-down economics - giving everything to the rich in the hope that they will throw some crumbs back down to the rest of society, framed as a rational way to run an economy

two-party system - a one-party system that wants to look democratic

un-American - anticapitalist (see also patriotism)

unemployment - the obvious and inevitable result of having fewer jobs than workers, which is used to put workers under pressure and thus bring about compliance and subservience

unionization - workers asserting their freedom of assembly, which the capitalists desperately try to suppress, even to the point of murder

"Unless you have a better idea, don't criticize." - pretends being able to identify a problem and having the solution are the same thing; can be shortened to "don't criticize" without losing any meaning

venture capitalists - capitalists who are particularly proud of it

Wall Street - the capital of the United States (see also Washington, D.C.)

wage slavery - compensating workers with a fraction of the wealth their labor produces in order to pretend the employer-employee relationship isn't slavery as well as to avoid the obligations, such that they were, associated with traditional chattle slavery

Washington, D.C. - a satellite office of Wall Street

"We defend/fight for your freedom." - shut up and be thankful you can say what you want

welfare - a way to keep people from becoming so desperate that they rebel, to destroy their hope and independence, and to subsidize company payrolls (see also bailout, grant, subsidy)

"What's good for General Motors is good for America." - stuff more money in the pockets of the rich because they're waving the flag around

white-collar criminals - capitalists who are too blatant about their crimes

workplace diversity - whether male or female, black or white, gay or straight, peasants of all types may work in equal dignity, showing absolute deference, dedication, and obedience to their masters

"The world doesn't owe you anything" - it's okay for the world to abuse you because you have no rights and don't even deserve to live, and yet somehow you still owe the world everything, spanning from acquiescence toward its tyrants; to the endless, often ruinous remittance of extortionate taxes; to obedience in the face of countless stupid, repressive rules and laws

"You can always just quit." - an invitation to leave one master to go and be abused by a new one; a phrase used to justify all abuses of employers as they have no obligation to workers, who shouldn't forget to give two weeks notice

A – C | D – I | J – O | P – R | S – Y



Version 1.1.1
Created: 04/23/23
Last Updated: 07/01/24
